
Warning: This blog will contain spoilers to all my stories.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I had some requests for a Q&A so I'll answer what questions I can. Now a lot of questions I received had to do with the third generation or newest wolves and to be honest, I didn't put a lot of thought into them as I wasn't planning on writing their stories. So if you asked me about them, I probably don’t have an answer for you.

1) Are the Uley twins and the Black boys immortal?


2) What happened with Will, Maggie, and Kyran?

LOL, ever since I came up with that storyline, I haven't been able to figure out what happens with them. According to my one theory, family members and imprints are drawn to each other. Ex: Sam was drawn to Leah because she shared Emily's DNA. I could see Maggie falling in love with Kyran because he has Will's DNA. But I hate the idea that Will would never be with his imprint. He's already suffered so much heartache, and he started phasing again for her. I put on the family tree that Kyran ended up with Rafe's daughter, Maya, as an alternative option for that love triangle.

3) How did Jared react to Ethan imprinting on Hayley?

He would have been happy for them. He didn’t object to Hayley being with a wolf. He objected to Hayley being with a wolf who wasn’t her imprint.

4) What happens with Collin & Amber? How does Luke imprint on Alexis if Collin doesn’t come back to La Push?

I recently told someone in a PM that if I ever come back to write one more fan fiction, it would be Collin and Amber’s story. I already have it written in my head, so for those reasons, I won't tell you what happens between them. But I want to stress that I don’t have the time, or to be honest, the interest in writing another fic at this point in my life. However, I will say that Collin obviously comes back at some point for Luke and Alexis to meet.

5) Did Mia imprint on Nahuel? And Elijah looks lonely on the family tree.

Yes, Mia imprinted on Nahuel…however, she never phased. Jace and Mia are a new type of hybrid. Because she comes from two Alpha bloodlines, Mia inherited certain gifts, including the power to imprint. LOL, as for poor Elijah, he needs to be with an immortal...I guess he could end up with one of Nahuel's sisters. *shrugs*

6) You have a lot of girls who become wolves (per the new family tree). Why is that?

Because Jace and Caleb needed to be with immortals like them. Imprints are made for each other. To be imprinted on means that you were created to be with that specific person. I don't like the idea of wolves imprinting on vampires, so the only other option is more female wolves. LOL, now Jace might need to end up with someone else other than Seth's daughter. I forgot they were related and the bloodline's a little too close for my comfort.

And that's really the only other information I have to offer everyone. Thanks again for reading my stories!


  1. That sucks :( I actually liked the idea of Seth's daugther being with Jace :( lol

  2. Will Mia and Nahuel have children?

  3. Pls omg i would love to read these fics again

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